Haiti Mission

in Fond des Blancs

supported by Sacred Heart and St. Brigid Parishes

Forty years of Solidarity

The Haiti Committee is a longstanding joint project of Sacred Heart and Saint Brigid’s Parishes in Lexington, MA.

It began in the 80’s when a small group of parishioners visited the remote village of Fond des Blancs, Haiti and returned inspired by the courage and faith of the Haitian people.

Supporting St. François Xavier Parish schools

The Committee raises money each year to pay for the salaries of the faculty at St. François Xavier Parish schools.

The network which includes a Central School and a number of “Chapel Schools” educates more than 600 students from kindergarten to Grade 13.

It was the dream of Fr. Gouello, a Belgian priest working in Fond des Blancs, who believed,

“Universal education is basic to any long term solution for Haiti’s intense poverty, political exploitation, and oppression."

filling the breach in education

Not only is Haiti the poorest country in our hemisphere, but it also lacks a functioning public school system.  

Religious institutions have worked for years to fill this breach and these parish schools we support are one of a tiny handful of options for parents eager to see their children advance and escape the widespread poverty that afflicts Haiti.  

you can help to improve the lives of children and ensure a better future for all in Haiti.

a letter (or email)

asking for support for this worthy Catholic school system will be sent

in the next few weeks

If you have any questions about donating to the Mission in Fond des Blancs, Haiti, please contact Maria O’Brien or Lee Crivello through the Sacred Heart Parish Office

(781) 862-4646 or


Maria O’Brien

Lee Crivello