It is not too late to register for Sacred Heart’s new, monthly parish-wide catechesis program. This approach of full community catechesis allows generations to share our faith together. Adults participate in small group discussions on Sunday’s readings led by Father Fran. Children attend multi-grade presentations downstairs. There are children preparing for all three sacraments. The dates are December  8, January 5, February 2, March 9, April 6, and May 4. There is a special Pentecost celebration on June 8th. Classroom materials are available each Sunday during Hospitality for children to use and share with their families.


The cost for the program is $50 for a “family” of one person or a family with multiple members. Registration forms are available during Hospitality at the Welcome Table or online below. Payment can be made by check on Sundays or online by clicking the religious education icon under giving.


Each in-person session will be held after the 10 AM Sunday Mass.

The program dates are October 6, November 3, November 24, December 8, January 5, February 2, March 9, April 6, May 4, and June 8, Pentecost Sunday.

Sessions will begin with hospitality, followed by an introduction to the day’s topic for all those gathered. Parishioners will then break into individual groups. Children will be grouped according to grade level.

The sessions will center around the liturgical readings for the day and explore essential tenets of our faith. This approach allows the entire parish to reflect upon the same topics at the same time.


There will be special sections for those preparing for the sacraments of First Penance, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.

Second graders and their families will be invited to prepare together for the Sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist through unique materials and special sessions throughout the year. (We will make adjustments for students who may have missed the second-grade cycle.)

The Sacrament of Confirmation is in a transition phase in the Archdiocese of Boston. (In the coming years, it will be celebrated in the 8th rather than the 10th grade.) We will tailor our Confirmation preparation to accommodate the needs of individual students wherever they are in the preparatory process.

First Penance, First Eucharist, and Confirmation dates have not yet been determined.


Cost: The fee will be $50 per family. The fee will be the same for a “family” of one person or a family with multiple members.

To Register: Registration forms can be completed and submitted online.

Payment can be made by going to Giving and clicking on “Online Giving.” Scroll down to the religious education icon.

Registration forms and checks may also be mailed to the Parish office at Sacred Heart Parish, 718 Mass Ave, Lexington MA 02420. Forms are also available in the office and in the church.

Please contact Father Fran at or with questions.