The Family Faith formation team
The Family Faith Formation team members will meet with Father Fran over the summer to plan an inclusive multi-generational program.
The team members have a diverse range of experiences. Most have been catechists for many years, working in a variety of settings with children of different ages. Some have been involved in teaching sacramental preparation, including Confirmation. Others participated in the Liturgical Gift Program, which provided materials for a "domestic church" in families' homes during COVID-19. Team members have also prepared videos of our nativity and stations of the cross for the virtual Community Prayer during COVID-19.
Renee Steinbrecher
Jade Do
Amy McGaragan
Jon Suber
Fran Ludwig
Karen Thomson
Debbie Cunha
The excitement of planning
Members have been attending Faith Formation webinars and in-person Archdiocesan presentations on topics such as the age change in Confirmation and the effect of the internet on children’s learning and behavior.
Catechists and faith formation directors from other parishes have shared their experiences and scheduling ideas with us, and publishers are sending materials for us to review.
It is an exciting time to be planning a program geared to the needs of today’s busy families.
We are hearing from parents who are letting us know their needs and preferences. If you have any suggestions or questions, please get in touch with us at