Sacred Heart adapts

Since its inception almost one hundred years ago, the parishioners and staff at Sacred Heart have been working to respond to the needs of those called to worship at this small parish in the western suburbs of Boston. The changing needs of the parish have been reflected in the investments made in developing an appropriate setting for worship.


Original design

Edward T.P. Graham

“the Dean of Boston Architecture”

"As to style in architecture, I believe that the free mediaeval styles offer the best field for further development of architecture in any country, our own included. There is formalism in the Renaissance and all since attempted in its manner, which is crippling, and restricting. Structure, dressed in transparent rather than opaque robes, is what should be followed in building."

Edward T.P. Graham


Vatican II renovations

of interior


Fr. Ulton mcCabe memorial Garden


interior refurbishment

modifications for handicapped accessibility

installation of additional restroom


Laudato sí Gardens

Introduction of native and wildlife plantings into existing gardens

Paul lemieux Memorial native garden

Plans for St. Kateri Tekakwitha Pollinator Garden

Hillside garden path & water management project